London Air Ambulance team saved cyclist by carrying out complex procedure at the roadside
My medico-legal expertise lies in the following fields:
Within these fields I personally practise to the highest standards and am responsible for reviewing and ensuring the highest standards of others through training, audit and leadership of clinical governance frameworks. I am therefore well placed to provide expert opinion on these fields.
I have been formally trained in the provision of expert witness reports with Bond Solon Training Ltd and am registered on the Medical Defence Union and General Medical Council’s expert databases. I have appeared numerous times as an expert witness in court hearings, including high profile coroners inquests into the Westminster and London Bridge terror attacks.
I work on cases relating to medical negligence, personal injury, survivability and cause of death. I also work regularly with Police Forces across the country, writing reports in answer to questions of injury causation, correlations with allegations, their prognoses and their impact on the victims. As such I have built a significant body of experience in forensic medicine.
Instructions can be accepted on behalf of either claimant or defendant or as a Single Joint Expert.
Please only send documents by post unless previously arranged.